This project includes a master CloudFormation template that bundles up independent stacks for:
- Setting up an AWS managed ElasticSearch 5.1 Domain
- Enabling CloudTrail, configure CloudWatch LogGroup, lambda to stream API activity to ElasticSearch Domain
- Custom lambda to import a CloudTrail Kibana 5.1 dashboard
- ElasticSearch Curator lambda
If you already have an ElasticSearch domain and you don’t want a dedicated one for CloudTrail, feel free to deploy the sub-stacks independently.
If you want the full setup you can launch the stack and get going.
If you are planning to use the ElasticSearch domain just for CloudTrail logs, I would recommend to not use dedicated master nodes.
Depending on domain configuration it can take up to 30 minutes for the stack to finish.
If it’s a new ElasticSearch domain, when you first time visit Kibana you will be asked to select a default index pattern. You can use the cwl- one.
From Dashboard you can load the CloudTrail Dashboard
So there you have it, a dedicated ElasticSearch domain to track all the API activities and curator lambda function to automatically deletes old indices.
You can find the project on github
Currently the whole setup works on the premise that the index pattern for cloudtrail logs will be cwl-