1. Custom Federation Broker for Console Access

    Custom Federation Broker Lambda function for granting short lived console access to your AWS account.

  2. Quickstart Hosting Static Site on AWS Part 2: CI/CD

    Cloudformation stack suite to deploy AWS CodePipeline setup for static sites

  3. CloudFront distribution with S3 bucket origin and Origin Access Identity protection

    Cloudformation template containing custom resource to create CloudFront Origin Access Identity and sample stack for creating a CloudFront distribution using Origin Access Identity.

  4. Quickstart Hosting Static Site on AWS Part 1: Infrastructure

    Cloudformation stack suite to deploy static site behind cloudfront with optional test environment and WAF protection.

  5. Curator lambda for AWS ElasticSearch

    Cloudformation stack to deploy curator lambda.

  6. Quickstart CloudTrail to ElasticSearch 5.1

    Cloudformation stack to deploy CloudTrail to ElasticSearch 5.1 + Kibana 5.1 Dashboard + Curator